Do you want to launch IPTV service on your network? We will help you do it effectively.
The first thing you need to understand:

The IPTV platform is the foundation on which the entire IPTV solution is built. The platform should include Middleware system and CAS & DRM content protection system.
Middleware system
This software plays a central connecting role in the provision of IPTV services. It is Middleware that determines the functionality and image of the entire solution.

As you can see, Middleware binds everything together. The functional of the IPTV solution is the functional of the Middleware system, it is determined by the number and quality of connected components. Each component is like a diamond in the crown, directly affects the value of the entire solution. Remove any item and the price will fall. Support for a component is provided by a software interface. The power of Middleware is arguably determined by how developed its interface is. The appearance of the IPTV solution is determined by the UI (user interface) of the applications through which the user consumes the service, which in turn also depends on Middleware, because the subscriber can only use those applications that are supported by Middleware.
Content Protection System
Content protection system plays a crucial role in the provision of television services. After all, what does it mean - “a provider performs a television service”? Literally, it means that the provider undertakes to get content from the copyright holder and provide it to the subscriber. To do so, the content protection system must check the subscriber’s rights for the content and, if everything is ok, deliver the content to the subscriber in a secure way without loss. Content is the main value, saving money on its protection is the same as saving money on the services of collectors (cash messengers), may be expensive.
Content protection system consists of two subsystems. The first subsystem of management rights is DRM (Digital Rights Management), so to speak, legislative, defining who is allowed to do what. The second is the CAS (Conditional Access System) subsystem, in other words, executive, which is responsible for enforcing the rights policy.

Interacting with operator billing, through the Middleware system DRM servers issue keys to the CAS encoding server, and those, in turn, encode content with these keys. To decode content on a subscriber device, the decoding program requests keys from DRM servers and, in accordance with the rights, receives or does not receive decoding keys.
IPTVPORTAL (platform)

It is a multi-screen solution (supported subscriber devices) with huge functional, which provides Middleware and CAS & DRM to operators as a service using PaaS technology. As a rule, the best option for ISPs is to start quickly providing competitive IPTV or OTT services under their own brand.
The IPTVPORTAL platform includes two products - IPTVPORTAL Middleware and IPTVPORTAL CAS & DRM, which work together, but can function independently, separately from each other. IPTVPORTAL Middleware works with third-party content protection systems, and IPTVPORTAL CAS & DRM can work with third-party Middleware. Everything is built using cloud architecture, so you can quickly deploy and effectively apply it to a network of any scale. Moreover, the platform can be installed locally.
Typical solutions
The IPTVPORTAL platform has wide and flexible configuration options that allow you to customize it for all kinds and types of usage, but instead requires understanding and knowledge in this area.
Building its decision, an IPTV provider can choose two ways: the first - work with the content aggregator, the second - work without the content aggregator. Important note: the content aggregator is not an OTT provider. The OTT provider promotes its service, and the aggregator is simply a content provider, taking on the function of receiving channels from copyright holders, preparing a technical signal for broadcasting to the ISP network, recording archives and other technical functions.
To simplify the ISP task at this stage, below we provide schemes of standard solutions that are used in practice most often. Which is the best for you? If you have a trouble with making a choice or have not found a typical scheme that suits you, be sure to contact us (write: SUPPORT@IPTVPORTAL.CLOUD) and we will definitely tell you how to solve your problem.
Option 1
Content and streaming server and DVR from the aggregator, middleware cloud server.

This is a typical option for beginners, the easiest and fastest way to start providing an IPTV service.
Minimum costs for launching a full-fledged service:
1. No server installation required.
2. It is not required to obtain a license for cable television and make agreements with channels.
3. No investments in the infrastructure of the headend are required.
All these functions are taken over by the content aggregator.
Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 subscribers |
2000 subscribers |
5000 subscribers |
10000 subscribers |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Channel offers are determined by the content aggregator.
High uplink due to individual traffic to the terminals when using the “delayed viewing” or “archive of programs” functional, as well as when broadcasting to smart TVs and smartphones. This drawback is eliminated by transferring the streaming server and the DVR server to the carrier side (see the following diagram).
Do not confuse the aggregator of TV content with the OTT provider. The OTT provider delivers content as well, but promotes the service under its own brand, while the aggregator is just a content provider, and the service is promoted under the operator’s brand.
Option 2
Content from the aggregator, and the streaming server and DVR are on the operator’s side, the Middleware cloud server.

Unlike the previous version, the streaming server and DVR are on the operator's side. Disadvantages: the purchase of servers is required, plus maintenance costs; advantages: a decrease in uplink.
Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 2+

Option 2+ is different from Option 2 by advanced functional, the availability of CCTV and VoD services, and
accordingly, the costs of CCTV and VoD servers.
Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Option: EXTENDED |
$ 60 |
$ 150 |
$ 300 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 3
Content from the aggregator, streaming server + DVR on the operator side, local installation of the Middleware server.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Local |
$ 190 |
$ 450 |
$ 650 |
$ 1100 |
$ 1900 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Middleware Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 3+
Different from Option 3 by extended functional.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Local |
$ 190 |
$ 450 |
$ 650 |
$ 1100 |
$ 1900 |
Option: EXTENDED |
$ 60 |
$ 150 |
$ 300 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Middleware Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 4
Content from the copyright holder, technical signal via uplink, streaming server + DVR on the operator side, Middleware cloud server.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Cost of CAS server** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Unlike the solutions for working with a TV content aggregator (Options 1-3), the operator will need a license for cable television and signing of direct contracts with copyright holders, in addition, the costs of acquiring a CAS server are added. But it still becomes profitable when the operator reaches a certain number of subscribers using the service. Moreover, it becomes possible to independently create a package proposal.
Option 4+

This solution is different from Option 4 by extended functional.
Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Option: EXTENDED |
$ 60 |
$ 150 |
$ 300 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Cost of CAS server** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 4++
Unlike Option 4+, television content is received not only through the uplink, but also part of it is received through its own headend.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 90 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
$ 1600 |
Option: EXTENDED |
$ 60 |
$ 150 |
$ 300 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Cost of CAS server** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Headend equipment** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 5
Content from the copyright holder, local installation of the IPTVPORTAL platform.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Local |
$ 190 |
$ 450 |
$ 650 |
$ 1100 |
$ 1900 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
DRM Key Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices | equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Cost of CAS server** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Middleware Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 5+
Different from Option 5 by extended functional.

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Local |
$ 190 |
$ 450 |
$ 650 |
$ 1100 |
$ 1900 |
Option: EXTENDED |
$ 60 |
$ 150 |
$ 300 |
$ 500 |
$ 800 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Middleware Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
Cost of CAS server** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
DRM Key Server Cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
Option 6

Cost of solution:
250 |
1000 |
2000 |
5000 |
10000 |
Cost of basic license Middleware Cloud |
$ 60 |
$ 350 |
$ 500 |
$ 900 |
$ 1600 |
Limit of subscribers |
up to 250 subscribers |
up to 1000 subscribers |
up to 2000 subscribers |
up to 5000 subscribers |
up to 10000 subscribers |
Limit of terminals |
up to 750 terminals |
up to 3000 terminals |
up to 6000 terminals |
up to 15000 terminals |
up to 30000 terminals |
Test period |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
30 days |
Licenses for streaming server with DVR function* |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 175 |
$ 350 |
Streaming server cost** |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
equipment supplier prices |
* The price for the popular Flussonic streaming server is showed. The cost of one license is 175 USD / month. The license includes 1 server with a limit of 1000 online sessions.
** The server is purchased or rented from any equipment supplier.
The peculiarity of OTT solutions is that the service is provided to subscribers on the Internet, thus, over the infrastructure of Internet providers. Only Unicast protocols are suitable for this solution, multicast is not applicable, and therefore, in our example, there is no CAS server. In a situation like that limitation of access to content is performed by restricting access to stream server sessions.
Running a free test
Now you know enough to move on to practice.
Fill out the application here and start testing the system.